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Funeral Service
2022-01-23 14:00

The family of Helen Doris Tomkins uploaded a photo
Monday, June 27, 2022

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Jan posted a condolence
Friday, March 25, 2022
I was so lucky to be Dawns friend and have sleepovers. I would get homesick and Helen would tell me to look out at the window and I could see our farm kind and warm, I only have wonderful memories
Elaine Rudyk posted a condolence
Monday, January 24, 2022
I remember Maxine and I going to Rocky to visit dad and Aunt Beulah. Aunt Helen and Cousin Dawn would meet us there. One time, we all went out for dinner with Earlyne and Mervyn to celebrate my birthday
One summer Aunt Helen & I drove to Bonanza to visit with Ralph and Johanna. Cousin Dawn came up another summer.
In August 2009, Aunt Helen & I went on an Alaskan Cruise. We played bingo and Aunt Helen was 1 away on winning a cruise. (I 27). Our last trip was in June 2019 to Kelowna to see Maxine & Dave. Vancouver, and then to Cousins Dianne & Ken. Cousins Murray & Pat came to visit. We had a great time!
I will always remember Aunt Helen always smiling, such a fun loving person and treasure our times together.
Maxine Baskill posted a condolence
Sunday, January 23, 2022
It is with sorrow and sadness we bid farewell to our beautiful and beloved Aunty Helen Doris Tomkins (nee Marr). Our sympathy and love to each of her children (our cousins) Dianne & Ken; Darrell & Bev; Dwayne & Cheryl; Dawn & Trevor; 5 grandchildren and 8 great-grands. She was our remaining relation of that great and gallant generation. We are so thankful for her and each gallant family member. You gave each of us a rich and renowned heritage.
Aunty Helen you were wonderful to make the trek, with Dawn, to Rocky and Rimbey to visit our Dad and Aunty Beulah and we always got to visit. I loved our visits with you, both at your farm and in town plus all of the family reunions and lastly your visit with us here in Kelowna. It was special and these memories will be treasured. You were always there as family was important. Thank you for that commitment and love. You will be sorely missed. Father comfort this family with your presence and peace and be with each of us as we reminisce and remember Aunty Helen. We are with you today & send our love Maxine; Elaine; Mervyn & Earlyne; Beverley & John; Wayne; Brian & Juanita Pidhirney and our families.
Joanne and Kevin McBain posted a condolence
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Will always remember Helen with her smile on. We have some great memories and one that keeps coming to mind is the curling bonspiels we curled in many moons ago. Great fun. She will be missed. Thinking of all the family and sending our love and hugs️ Enjoy the many memories
Dell Benson posted a condolence
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Sympathy extended to the entire family from Dell and Betty Benson.
Terry posted a condolence
Saturday, January 22, 2022
My condolences to you, Helens family as you remember and grieve the loss of your Mom/Grandma. Enjoyed her company out on the curling ice as much as a quick meeting on the street
Terry Scheuerman
Bert and Gainya Turnbull posted a condolence
Saturday, January 22, 2022
So sorry to hear this sad news . Helen was always a beautiful ray of sunshine . Our deepest condolences to her family. She will sadly be missed
Audrey Rowswell and Jim Newton posted a condolence
Saturday, January 22, 2022
We were so sorry to learn about Helen. She was a very kind, gentle and friendly person who will be missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this difficult time.
Brent Gibson posted a condolence
Friday, January 21, 2022
Thinking of you all with deepest sympathy at this very difficult time ..Brent and Raelene Gibson
Scott and Karma Snell posted a condolence
Friday, January 21, 2022
Sending our deepest condolences to all of Helen's family. Thinking of you in this difficult time.

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